5 novels to read and reread.

These 5 novels by American authors are masterpieces, with the particular style of their author, the authenticity of the stories and the full of adventure. American literature American literature is a picturesque collection of adventure novels, detective stories, autobiography, stories... it includes authors who produced most of their works in America. Indeed, the first American novels were published at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th. These first novels were mostly female productions for a female audience. One of the earliest novels was Susanna Rowson's Charlotte Temple. An impressive ranking 1- To Kill a Mockingbird At the top of this ranking is naturally the novel by Harper Lee has delighted many people. The subject of around 900 reviews, this book has been a...


Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?
Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?

The city of Paris is known for its legendary Eiffel Tower and its bridge of love where many couples will materialize their love by hanging a padlock and simply throwing the key into the river. A symbolic way to seal their love. Recently, it is something else that attracts more and more visitors to...

5 novels to read and reread.
5 novels to read and reread.

These 5 novels by American authors are masterpieces, with the particular style of their author, the authenticity of the stories and the full of adventure. American literature American literature is a picturesque collection of adventure novels, detective stories, autobiography, stories... it...

The Smithsonian Folklife festival
The Smithsonian Folklife festival

The international exhibition of living heritage held annually in the capital of the world's first power. Festival origin and concept First held in 1967, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival spans two long weeks each year a few days after the national holiday.  Organized by the institution, this...

Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021
Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021

Cela fait maintenant 1 an que le monde du cinéma est presqu’à l’arrêt. En effet, en raison de la pandémie du Covid 19, plusieurs films sont passés directement par la case de streaming tandis que d’autres ont tout simplement vu leur sortie être repoussée de plusieurs mois voire même d’1 an...


Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?
Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?

The city of Paris is known for its legendary Eiffel Tower and its bridge of love where many couples will materialize their love by hanging a padlock and simply throwing the key into the river. A symbolic way to seal their love. Recently, it is something else that attracts more and more visitors to...

5 novels to read and reread.
5 novels to read and reread.

These 5 novels by American authors are masterpieces, with the particular style of their author, the authenticity of the stories and the full of adventure. American literature American literature is a picturesque collection of adventure novels, detective stories, autobiography, stories... it...

The Smithsonian Folklife festival
The Smithsonian Folklife festival

The international exhibition of living heritage held annually in the capital of the world's first power. Festival origin and concept First held in 1967, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival spans two long weeks each year a few days after the national holiday.  Organized by the institution, this...

Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021
Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021

Cela fait maintenant 1 an que le monde du cinéma est presqu’à l’arrêt. En effet, en raison de la pandémie du Covid 19, plusieurs films sont passés directement par la case de streaming tandis que d’autres ont tout simplement vu leur sortie être repoussée de plusieurs mois voire même d’1 an...


The Smithsonian Folklife festival
The Smithsonian Folklife festival

The international exhibition of living heritage held annually in the capital of the world's first power. Festival origin and concept First held in 1967, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival spans two long weeks each year a few days after the national holiday.  Organized by the institution, this...

Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021
Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021

Cela fait maintenant 1 an que le monde du cinéma est presqu’à l’arrêt. En effet, en raison de la pandémie du Covid 19, plusieurs films sont passés directement par la case de streaming tandis que d’autres ont tout simplement vu leur sortie être repoussée de plusieurs mois voire même d’1 an...

Demi Lovato victim of sexual assault
Demi Lovato victim of sexual assault

It is during a documentary in her honor broadcast on February 17 that Demi Lovato revealed that she was raped as a teenager and later sexually assaulted. Obviously, we do not know much about the life of our favorite stars. This is what we learn from the documentary of the American singer Demi...

Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?
Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?

The city of Paris is known for its legendary Eiffel Tower and its bridge of love where many couples will materialize their love by hanging a padlock and simply throwing the key into the river. A symbolic way to seal their love. Recently, it is something else that attracts more and more visitors to...


The Smithsonian Folklife festival
The Smithsonian Folklife festival

The international exhibition of living heritage held annually in the capital of the world's first power. Festival origin and concept First held in 1967, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival spans two long weeks each year a few days after the national holiday.  Organized by the institution, this...

Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021
Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021

Cela fait maintenant 1 an que le monde du cinéma est presqu’à l’arrêt. En effet, en raison de la pandémie du Covid 19, plusieurs films sont passés directement par la case de streaming tandis que d’autres ont tout simplement vu leur sortie être repoussée de plusieurs mois voire même d’1 an...

Demi Lovato victim of sexual assault
Demi Lovato victim of sexual assault

It is during a documentary in her honor broadcast on February 17 that Demi Lovato revealed that she was raped as a teenager and later sexually assaulted. Obviously, we do not know much about the life of our favorite stars. This is what we learn from the documentary of the American singer Demi...

Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?
Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?

The city of Paris is known for its legendary Eiffel Tower and its bridge of love where many couples will materialize their love by hanging a padlock and simply throwing the key into the river. A symbolic way to seal their love. Recently, it is something else that attracts more and more visitors to...


The Smithsonian Folklife festival
The Smithsonian Folklife festival

The international exhibition of living heritage held annually in the capital of the world's first power. Festival origin and concept First held in 1967, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival spans two long weeks each year a few days after the national holiday.  Organized by the institution, this...

Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021
Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021

Cela fait maintenant 1 an que le monde du cinéma est presqu’à l’arrêt. En effet, en raison de la pandémie du Covid 19, plusieurs films sont passés directement par la case de streaming tandis que d’autres ont tout simplement vu leur sortie être repoussée de plusieurs mois voire même d’1 an...

Demi Lovato victim of sexual assault
Demi Lovato victim of sexual assault

It is during a documentary in her honor broadcast on February 17 that Demi Lovato revealed that she was raped as a teenager and later sexually assaulted. Obviously, we do not know much about the life of our favorite stars. This is what we learn from the documentary of the American singer Demi...

Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?
Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?

The city of Paris is known for its legendary Eiffel Tower and its bridge of love where many couples will materialize their love by hanging a padlock and simply throwing the key into the river. A symbolic way to seal their love. Recently, it is something else that attracts more and more visitors to...


The Smithsonian Folklife festival
The Smithsonian Folklife festival

The Smithsonian Folklife festival

The international exhibition of living heritage held annually in the capital of the world's first...
Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021
Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021

Les sorties de film prévus pour 2020 finalement reportées pour 2021

Cela fait maintenant 1 an que le monde du cinéma est presqu’à l’arrêt. En effet, en raison de la...
Demi Lovato victim of sexual assault
Demi Lovato victim of sexual assault

Demi Lovato victim of sexual assault

It is during a documentary in her honor broadcast on February 17 that Demi Lovato revealed that...
Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?
Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?

Art galleries, a new attraction in the city of Paris?

The city of Paris is known for its legendary Eiffel Tower and its bridge of love where many...
5 novels to read and reread.
5 novels to read and reread.

5 novels to read and reread.

These 5 novels by American authors are masterpieces, with the particular style of their author,...